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A 4m proof of concept trailer has been produced that demonstrates to audiences and funders what Command_and_Control looks and feels like in its non traditional approach to cyber security youth education. This trailer is being shown to samples of target audience age range across the UK and audience engagement recorded via a quuestionnaire.


A second round of funding is sought for the production of the full version of the live lecture experience and a codebreaking app that audience members download to play both during and after the live experience.


Production costs are anticipated to run at £1500 per minute, and 180 minutes of film will be produced to run a 120m live lecture.


Therefore production budget of £270k is sought for Phase II of development which will take 18 months to deliver.


On completion, the producers would intend to deliver the live lecture as part of the National Curriculum in and across Scotland and England, as part of the Cyber Schools Program for 14-18 year olds (DCMS), Cyber First and other cyber security education/engagement programs. Of the approximately 6m 11-18 year olds targeted by this an initative, an estimated minimum of 20,000+ youth would be reached per annum for three to five years.


The producers anticipate applications for funding being made to Arts Council funding, National Lottery funding, British Film Institute funding, Scottish government SeedCorn Cyber Resilience funding, UK government national cyber security funding, UK government's Digital Culture, Media and Sport, and other arts and education funders. The producers will also actively seek commercial and research collaborations and partnerships with academic insitutions, commercial research divisions and tech, gaming and film commercial operators.  UKFSi

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